Additional Infrastructure

For Self-hosted implementations, PMWeb provides options for additional infrastructure, including:

  • Duplicate software
  • Additional databases.

For SaaS implementations, in addition to the above options, clients may choose to have one or more dedicated servers and a VPN.

Duplicate software

PMWeb offers a package to duplicate the PMWeb software purchased. 5 x Full Named and 5 x Collaboration Named licences are included, in addition to an Administrator licence. Additional environments can be added at any time, should a client decide to significantly expand system use and require separate instances for purposes such as Development, Testing (SIT/UAT), Training and Sandbox. The majority of clients operate two environments – Production and non-Production – rather than separate activities to such a degree.

The extent of use of the duplicate environment will determine long-term viability of Production and non-Production being on the same Server. If the usage of the two instances combined is too great, to the point where the impact on Production becomes unacceptable, another server would need to be brought online and copy across the duplicate installation. This is totally within the client's control. Typically, a single dedicated server will be adequate, with the non-Production package located on the same server without impacting the performance of Production. The only factor influencing this is if the client intends intensive use of the non-Production (Dev/Test/Demo/Sandbox) environment and is unable to schedule such use away from known periods when Production has its heavy use.

Additional databases

PMWeb allows additional databases to be located within a single instance of PMWeb. Each database can be configured separately, allowing the language, processes and records to be tailored for specific purposes. The database is accessed from a dropdown at the main log-in screen.

A good example of using additional databases is the use of PMWeb by BGIS. BGIS has a single Production instance of PMWeb that has separate databases for each of their clients, including for Bell Canada, Rogers, CIBC (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Ontario Hydro and Rogers Communications. More than 30,000 projects are being run through this single instance of PMWeb.